The show follows the exploits of Anne Boonchuy, a strong, daring, and independent Thai-American teenager. As punishment for breaking into a mysterious music box known as the Calamity Box on her 13th b...

8.30 204

Piggie Island life is not always easy, as depicted in Angry Birds Toons. Red, his irate flock of angry birds, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the Blues, and Terence must band together to defend their eggs and f...

6.20 409

Assy McGee, a violent and mentally disturbed police detective who also happens to be devoid of an upper torso, head, or arms, is the focus of the show. Although Exeter, New Hampshire, is more like a l...

5.50 312

Betty Barrett, a regular 12-year-old girl who lives in Moose Jaw Heights (a made-up neighborhood of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan), likes school, sci-fi movies, dreams about living in space, and singing in ...

5.50 454

The Beat Bugs television series is aimed at kids between the ages of 5 and 7, and it is set in a suburban backyard that five young insect pals frequently explore. The backyard is referred to as "Villa...

7.70 306

Milo Powell is a young Japanese-Canadian youngster who lives in the fictional Toronto neighborhood of Halverston-in-Area until a young person gets into difficulty. Milo morphs into Captain Flamingo, w...

4.40 439

Since their human owner is wealthy and resides on an island, the Dalmatian family lives alone in a home in London. Said human owner reportedly bears Dodie Smith's name. The house is filled with absurd...

6.00 506

The high school in Exclamation, USA, where Clone High is set, is secretly being used as part of a complex military experiment by a department of the government known as the Secret Board of Shadowy Fig...


A teenage mom who once ran away from home finds herself accidentally brought back to life in her family's funeral parlor. This unexpected event grants her a remarkable second opportunity to raise her ...

5.60 554

In the bustling metropolis of New York City, three young heroes have emerged from the shadows, each carrying the weight of their own unique abilities and responsibilities. Peter Parker, the friendly n...

5.90 659

It tells the story of four princesses from major fruit kingdoms: Kira Kiwi, Beatrice Blueberry, Rita Raspberry and Penelope Pineapple. They embrace their differences to help their fellow fruitizens an...

6.30 408

The Rescue Bots are a team of novice Autobots who aren't yet prepared to confront the Decepticons. Stationed on Griffin Rock, an island off the east coast of America by Optimus Prime, they partner wit...

7.70 7.40 113