Charlie the Unicorn


Charlie, a unicorn, is dozing off in a peaceful field when a blue and a pink unicorn wake him up. The two tell Charlie when he wakes up that they have discovered a map to the enchanted Candy Mountain and that he must accompany them on their quest. At first, Charlie declines and goes back to sleep. Charlie is forced to comply with the blue unicorn's requests after it starts to jump on him and both of them start to badger him with information about the mountain. The trio starts their voyage in a forest, where Charlie is led by blue and pink unicorns to a magical liopleurodon, who is said to direct them with incomprehensible gurgles. After then, the group crosses a bridge while the blue unicorn repeatedly calls Charlie by name and points out that they are on a bridge. The CANDY sign's letters come to life as soon as the trio sets foot on Candy Mountain, and the "Y" sings a song (set to the Clarinet Polka's melody) pleading for Charlie to enter the Candy Cave. The blue and pink unicorns bid Charlie farewell as he grudgingly enters the cave after the letters detonate, only for Charlie to become trapped within and be struck unconscious by an unidentified assailant. To his horror, Charlie discovers when he wakes up in the meadow that they have removed one of his kidneys.