

The show follows the exploits of Anne Boonchuy, a strong, daring, and independent Thai-American teenager. As punishment for breaking into a mysterious music box known as the Calamity Box on her 13th birthday, Anne, Sasha Waybright, and Marcy Wu are separated and magically transported to the world of Amphibia, a wild marshland tropical island populated by anthropomorphic amphibians and dangerous creatures. Anne is adopted by the Plantars, a family of frogs that consists of the overprotective and conventional grandfather Hop Pop, the unpredictable and intrepid infant pollywog Polly, and the hyperactive young Sprig who reside on a farm in the town of Wartwood. While attempting to locate her companions and get home, Anne forms a close bond with her newfound family and begins to understand what it means to be a hero. Sasha joins forces with Captain Grime, the warlike toads of Toad Tower who fight for sovereignty of Frog Valley. Marcy ends up in Newtopia, the administrative center and residence of the monarch of Amphibia. It is also the capital of Amphibia.



Amphibia - Season 2 (Final Trailer)
Official Trailer
Season 3 Sneak Peek | Amphibia | Disney Channel Animation
Season 2 Sneak Peek | Amphibia | Disney Channel