Modern Magic Made Simple
Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou English Subbed


Koyomi Morishita hasn't had a fair go of life. She is in high school, but because she is so short, everyone thinks she is still in elementary school. She is cruelly teased by the guys and girls at her school, and she is also not particularly graceful. However, she is still in a better position than Yumiko, who is being pursued by a magician. Koyomi was, at least, until they met paths. Happily, help arrives in the form of master magician and graduate student Misa Anehara, who consents to mentor Koyomi in studying the new kind of magic, which breaks enchantment down into code sequences. Given that Koyomi's skill to date appears to be the ability to cause washbasins to fall out of the sky at random, it will be a challenging challenge. But then it wouldn't be magic if it were simple, would it?