Yatterman Night
Yatterman Night (Yoru no Yatterman) English Subbed


Leopard lives just outside the rich Yatter Kingdom with her mother and guardians, Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus, several generations after the original Yatterman series. She leads a contented, if modest, life without knowing that her ancestors were members of the notorious Doronbow Gang until she comes upon a mural of Doronjo, Boyacky, and Tonzura in a section of her house that has been closed off. Dorothy, Voltkatze, and Elephantus have been barred from entering the heroic Yatterman's Kingdom because it has been discovered that they are descended from the evil gangsters! Leopard initially makes a commitment to never act villainously like her ancestors, but new circumstances may force her to break that promise and assume the role of a villain in order to seek out true justice.