Yattaman Remake


All around the world, there are fragments of the Skull Stone, a strange stone. The location of the greatest gold resource in the world will be made known after all four pieces have been put together. The Skull Stone is sought for by the evil Doronbo gang. Gan and Ai, who transform into the disguised heroes Yatterman-1 and Yatterman-2, respectively, stand in their way. A big mechanical dog named Yatterwan helps the two on their adventures. The Time Bokan franchise's most recent series, Yatterman, does not focus on any particular time- or space-travel. Instead, the locations the heroes visit and the people they meet are either homages or parodies. Usually, intentionally misspelled names or recognisable acts serve as representations of the fictional people or settings. For instance, a revolutionary leader is called "Yashington" in homage to George Washington, and "Yametai" is a play on the word Yamatai for a location that resembles ancient Japan.