Tribe Cool Crew


Haneru Tobitatsu is a boisterous middle schooler who loves to dance. Haneru trains after school every day in front of Memorial Hall, where he gets dancing tips from his idol Jey El, the hottest celebrity in the dance industry. He has no idea that Kanon Otosaki, whose real name is the well-known internet dancer, Rhythm, is watching his "secret" practice sessions at the same area where she practices. Haneru immediately expresses interest in working with her after learning of this. The two find their way into the world of street dancing, where they eventually meet Kumonosuke, Mizuki, and Yuzuru, understanding gradually how much they enjoy performing with others. Together, they form the dance crew "Tribe Cool Crew." They compete against stiff opposition in an effort to one day fulfill their ambition of performing on stage alongside Jey El.