Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin


Japan, 1955: Mario Minakami and five other youths who were detained on serious criminal allegations have recently arrived at Shounan Special Reform School. Allotted to the same cell, they become fast friends with older prisoner Rokurouta Sakuragi, a former boxer. The delinquents begin to see their bleak condition in a better light under his supervision and with the assurance that they will reunite on the outside after serving their terms. Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin follows the seven cellmates as they fight together to endure the cruel humiliation and misery imposed upon them by Gisuke Sasaki, a psychiatrist who delights in abusing boys, and Ishihara, a sadistic guard with a vengeance against Rokurouta. The seven prisoners must muster all their strength to endure these horrendous conditions until their sentences are completed, but even then, what type of lives await them on the other side?