
Nisemonogatari English Subbed High school student Koyomi Araragi has recently had to deal with surviving a vampire assault, meeting various girls troubled by paranormal beings, and simply trying to get through life. On top of all of this, he wakes up one morning to find his girlfriend Hitagi Senjougahara holding him captive and kidnapping him. She has taken it upon herself to confine Araragi in order to protect him from Deishuu Kaiki, a con artist who defrauded Senjougahara's family after running afoul of the latter. But Araragi discovers that the imposter has his sights set on Karen when he receives a panicked message from her. His other sister, Tsukihi, is also struggling, in addition to Karen. And not even Araragi could foresee the disastrous facts that would soon be revealed when two enigmatic ladies who appear to know more about him and his unique group of pals than they should enter their lives.