8.70 / 10 8.85 / 10PLOT
"Monster" is a psychological thriller anime based on the acclaimed manga series by Naoki Urasawa. The 74-episode anime series aired from 2004 to 2005. The story is set in late 20th century Germany and follows Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a Japanese neurosurgeon working in Düsseldorf. Dr. Tenma is highly skilled and well-respected, but his life takes a dark turn when he chooses to save the life of a young boy named Johan over the city's mayor. His decision leads to dire consequences, and he loses his social standing. However, the real horror begins when the boy he saved turns out to be a dangerous psychopath, leading to a series of mysterious deaths around him. Consumed by guilt, Dr. Tenma embarks on a quest to right the wrong and stop Johan, despite the law enforcement suspecting him of the murders.