Magne Robo Gakeen
Magnerobo Ga-Keen
7.10 / 10 6.15 / 10PLOT
"Magne Robo Gakeen" (also known as "Magnetic Robot Ga-Keen" or simply "Gakeen") is a classic mecha anime series that aired in Japan from 1976 to 1977. The series is part of the super robot genre and was created by Toei Animation. The story centers around two young heroes, Takeru and Mai, who have been chosen by the alien scientist Doc Donto to battle against the invasion of the underworld empire Akudama. Takeru and Mai possess special magnetic powers that allow them to transform into the magnetic robot Ga-Keen. The two heroes can combine their powers to form Ga-Keen, with Takeru controlling the robot's upper half and Mai controlling the lower half. Together, they confront the threats posed by Akudama, defending Earth from their destructive plans.