Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
7.80 / 10 8.23 / 10PLOT
Aladdin and his friends leave Sindria after celebrating their victory against Al-Thamen. But when the fight is over, it's time for everyone to go their separate ways. It is mandated that Hakuryuu and Kougyoku return to the Kou Empire, where they were born. Aladdin, meantime, declares that in order to learn more about magic and to examine the strange happenings taking place in this new realm, he must travel to Magnostadt, a secret nation controlled by wizards. As for Alibaba and Morgiana, they both left in pursuit of their own objectives—training and visiting her native country, respectively—inspired by Aladdin's remarks. Magi: The Kingdom of Magic follows these buddies as they go on individual adventures and deal with unique difficulties. A great conflict is approaching, though, and a new menace is starting to emerge.