Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars


Sailor Stars is split into two arcs, similar to the R Season: Several disputes from the SuperS season are resolved in the first arc, which is also filler. The Outer Senshi, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru also make a triumphant return (now reborn as a child). The main action of the manga takes place in the second arc. Mamoru says goodbye to Usagi as he departs to study abroad in America. The Three Lights, an idol trio made up of the three boys Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten, take his place. Galaxia, a woman who wants to dominate the entire cosmos by gathering human Star Seeds, is the new foe. The Sailor Starlights, three brand-new Senshi, make their appearance and announce their intention to defeat Galaxia alone.