Final Fantasy: Unlimited
Fainarufantajī: Anrimiteddo


Ai and Yu Hayakawa, 12-year-old twins, are the main characters of FF:U. They hunt for their missing parents by entering Wonderland, a mysterious parallel reality. The 22-year-old Lisa Pacifist, who Ai and Yu meet in the subway and who ends up protecting them while assisting them in their hunt for their parents in Wonderland, is one of the other important characters. The main mode of transportation the protagonists are using helps to distinguish the story' two main halves. In the first half of the series, the trio travels through Wonderland on the Ghost Train and encounters Kaze, who has no memory of his past save for Makenshi, who helps the Lords of Gaudium fight them. Omega, a terrible being that wants to unite with the Ghost Train's power source, is also encountered by the crew on their travels. While this is happening, Earl Tyrant's conversations with his lords periodically disclose the narrative as seen from the antagonist's point of view. Earl, who represents chaos, is looking for the Omega shards to gain strength comparable to the Unlimited, which would allow him to defeat beings of great power like Kaze and Makenshi.