MF Ghost, the sequel to Shuichi Shigeno's famous Initial D manga series, was adapted as an anime in 2023 and quickly became a hit. The series is set in the year 202X, when traditional internal combustion engine vehicles are popularized again in street racing as electric vehicles become widespread in Japan.
The main character of MF Ghost is Kanata Rivington, a young racer raised in England. Kanata returns home to follow in his father's footsteps and race the MF Ghost in Japan. Kanata has to be both skilled and tough to succeed on the challenging tracks of the MFG.
The series realistically depicts the Japanese street racing scene and is filled with breathtaking racing scenes. It also features an exciting storyline, such as the mysterious past of Kanata's father and the forces behind MFG.
Some highlights from the series:
MF Ghost is a sequel to Initial D, but with its own story and characters.
The series realistically depicts the Japanese street racing scene and is full of breathtaking racing scenes.
Kanata Rivington is an engaging and talented protagonist of the series.
MF Ghost is a fun and immersive series for both Initial D fans and new viewers.