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The 2nd season of the Chinese Donghua was confirmed a few months ago with the release date of 2023!

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, it holds an infinite amount of secrets. These are secrets that only Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang are able to find. In a small shop called "Time Photo Studio," the two friends provide a special service: using their extraordinary powers that let them enter photographs, they jump into pictures brought to them by clients in order to grant their wishes. Through the eyes of the photographer, they live through the events surrounding the picture and try to decipher how to solve their client's request.

The first trailer for the upcoming season 2 was released by Chinese streaming service bilibili during an online event. The announcement also included the cast members of the Chinese anime along with the release date of 2023! The exact date for the Chinese donghua's second season adaptation is not announced yet but the news can arrive any minute, we will update this page as soon as they arrive!