For adult film actors Kyousuke Iwaki and Youji Katou, who are thinking about ending their scandalous careers, life is an artistic creation. However, they realize that this might be their last opportun...

6.50 6.68 626

In 1918, Klaus von Wolfstadt met Taki Reizen. In order to attend the coronation event, Klaus traveled to the nation in the Far East with his family (parents, brother, and sister). The young Taki begge...

5.80 6.51 711

Tetsuhiro Morinaga has a crush on Souichi Tatsumi, a senior. Even better, he is able to declare his love. Unfortunately, Tatsumi is an aggressive, egotistical, and vocal homophobe. Tetsuhiro, who h...

6.20 6.96 601