The "Hypergate," an ancient alien artifact that may enable colonization of Mars and near-instantaneous passage to and from Mars, was found on the surface of the Moon in 1972 during the Apollo 17 missi...

7.20 7.40 560

"Area 88" is a war drama anime based on the manga series of the same name. The story revolves around Shin Kazama, a talented fighter pilot who had a promising future in his home country of Japan. He w...

7.70 7.51 645

Saeko Shirasu, a 25-year-old combat photojournalist on the front lines, rose to fame after she captured images of villagers in war-torn Uddiyana holding a handmade UN flag. The picture therefore insta...

6.50 7.18 394

The plot, which takes set in 1937 on the cusp of World War II, concerns a shadowy spy training agency known as the "D Agency." Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki from the Imperial Japanese Army founds the organ...

7.00 7.04 535

The show centers on Koko Hekmatyar, a teenage guns dealer who operates under the guise of HCLI, an international shipping company and clandestine smuggling ring. She distributes guns in numerous natio...

7.50 7.81 413

Xin and Piao are war orphans serving as servants in a destitute village in the kingdom of Qin during the Warring States era of ancient China. But they practice every day with the goal of becoming the ...

8.40 7.96 362

"Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Collision" is a part of the newer adaptation of the original classic space opera, "Legend of the Galactic Heroes." The series is known as "Die Neue The...

7.60 7.74 552

It follows Maria, one of the most potent witches of her day, who is set during the Hundred Years' War in France. In order to aid the populace and preserve peace, she intervenes between the warring nat...

6.80 7.12 558

Zeon intelligence in the Universal Century 0079 has discovered a Federation Gundam prototype being worked on in a base of the Federation in the Arctic. Elite Zeon MS commandos are sent to destroy the ...

8.00 7.94 502

Three years have passed since the Principality of Zeon's defeat at the end of the One Year War in the year 0083 of the Universal Century. A crew of Zeon remnants known as the Delaz Fleet attacks the T...

7.80 7.26 530

"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny" is the sequel to "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," part of the sprawling Gundam franchise. The series takes place two years after the end of the Bloody Valentine War depicte...

7.10 7.19 533

The first episode of the series takes place in U.C. 0001, at the very beginning of human space colonization, when an anti-federation group destroys Laplace, the Prime Minister of the Federation's resi...

7.70 8.11 497