A village has been attacked by three unknown shinmas, urging the remaining villagers to keep their guard up for any foreigners. Miyu is taken hostage, also running into Reiha there. The village chief just so happens to come from the bloodline of shinma protectors, obliged to serve and protect the guardians for generations. He explains that the three shinmas will return the next day to claim Sato, the chief's daughter, as their bride. As noon passes, the shinmas approach the village gate, only to be thwarted by Miyu and Reiha. The names of the shinmas are Genzo, Genji and Genta. One by one, each of the three are sent into the darkness with Miyu and Reiha combining their powers. The village chief sacrifices himself to save Miyu from being hurt, but this make Sato commit suicide, which forces Reiha to freeze all the villagers to death.