Incidents have been reported about various stores suddenly being dissolved into sand. An architect named Yasuhiko Tachiki has been building his own model city underground for thirty years, but Miyu does not sense a shinma nearby. When a weary Tachiki sits down at a mall, he then goes on a rampage after seeing a familiar old priest. Police officers chase him to the underground, where they are attacked by a moving Buddha statue. The statue peaks toward the mall, causing the shoppers to evacuate. Reiha unleashes a blizzard attack on the statue, soon breaking it to pieces. Miyu already knew that Tachiki's wife was the shinma named Moh-Chi, who was responsible for transferring stores underground. After Miyu banishes Moh-Chi into the darkness, she realized that the city was supposed to be the nest for Moh-Chi's baby spiders. Tachiki is then still seen building his model city, even without Moh-Chi's influence.