A gas station worker named Mayumi Takahashi admits to being a shinma living with a novelist named Kyouichi Yaguchi. She is aware that Miyu has come for her to send her into the darkness, but Miyu states that she would return when it is time to do so. Mayumi returns home from work the next day, only to scolded by Yaguchi's wife, who demands that he must return back to her. However, Mayumi accidentally kills his wife when the latter tried to strangle her. Yaguchi and Mayumi are forced to run away together by train, but Miyu is soon able to track them down near the shore. Mayumi unveils her identity as the shinma known as Ayu, and agrees to have a match against Miyu, not to mention in front of Yaguchi. Miyu defeats Ayu and returns her into the darkness. Yaguchi, crying for his loss, turns into a baby, and Miyu sends him out to sea by boat to a village said to be a land of happiness.