At night, a female martial artist named Yui-Li comes face to face with a shinma, taking the form of her lover, who manages to escape from her attacks. When she goes back to her dojo, she is horrified to see the shinma taking the form of her master, being reminded that all her loved ones were all consumed by him. Just when Yui-Li is nearly defeated, the shinma vanishes when Miyu arrives. A stubborn Yui-Li will go to extra lengths to kill the shinma, and she does not want Miyu to interfere with her business. On a harbor ship, Yui-Li encounters the shinma, known as Koh-Waku, who changes to the forms of each of her loved ones in order to recognize her selfish desire for revenge. Miyu appears before Koh-Waku has the chance of consuming Yui-Li's soul. With Yui-Li's help, Miyu returns Koh-Waku back into the darkness. Miyu suggests Yui-Li to take her time to grieve for her loved ones, rather than to be put into an eternal sleep.