Gossips have been spreading around about a ghost disappearing from a taxicab while being taken toward a cemetery. The next night, another taxicab driver is bitten by a fanged ghost resembling that of Miyu. Reiha and Matsukaze later accuse Miyu for what she has done, but Miyu believes she is being impersonated. Chisato falls victim to this doppelganger in a classroom the next day, but it runs off once Miyu arrives at the scene. Miyu contacts Chisato to meet her at the park at night in order to lure out her doppelganger. Reiha attacks the doppelganger at a distance, revealing it to be a shinma named Ho-Jyo, which then allows Miyu to send him into the darkness. Reiha and Matsukaze leave with their doubts of Miyu carrying out her duties as the shinma guardian. At school the following day, Miyu apologizes to Chisato for putting her life in danger.