Rally is suspicious of Lebia's accident as she is the most skilful operator of the police electronic systems. Rally arranges for Mana to increase security protection around the Avalanche files which contain data on Project Gaia which Ganossa and Nemesis need to reopen the gateway between the two worlds. Rally is also concerned because Ganossa and Rosa possess the demon sword Medium, which they may be using to control Katsumi. Meanwhile, the authorities prepare to dismantle the AMP and Katsumi agrees with the decision. That night while on duty, Katsumi is commanded by Ganossa to retrieve the data from Avalanche and she attacks Mana and injures in the process. Mana manages to warn the others that Kastumi in now an enemy, but it is too late. Katsumi is now controlled by the powerful weapon called Medium, and she strikes them down. Ganossa now prepares to use the data to create a new Gaia Project.