Plasmagica learn that they can't enter the Grateful Rock Festival as they haven't had a proper live concert yet, so Maple suggests they participate in another battle of the bands against Criticrista. Meanwhile, Aion suddenly decides to quit Shingan Crimsonz to the shock of the other bandmates, leading Cyan to suspect he may be under the influence of a Dark Monster. As Plasmagica and the other Shingan Crimsonz members search for Aion, Trichronika's Shu-Zo informs Rom and Yaiba about Aion's whereabouts, hinting towards some history between him and Rom. Finding Aion at the top of a skyscraper, Crow joins the others in order to apologise to him, restoring the order in his Melodisian Stone. With the crisis averted, Plasmagica turn their attention towards their battle against Criticrista.