Yuki tells Maria to drink her blood in exchange for saving Zero, but Yuki is caught off guard when Shizuka transfers her soul from Maria into her original body. When Zero arrives to stop her, Shizuka uses her voice to compel Zero to restrain Yuki, and he breaks the compulsion by shooting himself in the leg. He injures Shizuka, and she leaves after Ichiru arrives. Ichiru begins to fight Zero, and Yuki stops their fight. Ichiru threatens to kill Yuki, and in response, Zero points Bloody Rose at Ichiru's head. Ichiru reveals that the gun cannot harm him, as Shizuka never changed him into a vampire. Meanwhile, Yagari continues to argue with Kaien, who claims that he cannot interfere with vampire affairs under Kaname's jurisdiction. Shizuka goes to Kaname's old room, and he pierces her heart with his hand. After he drinks her blood, he vows to destroy their mutual enemy. Zero tells Ichiru that the smell of blood is strong. Ichiru leaves and finds Shizuka barely alive.