Children mock Lady Iku in a song suggesting that she is cursed after two of her fiancés died. Meanwhile, the Kogan disciples give credit to Fujiki for their success over the Funaki as he struck the older twin first giving an opening to Irako. Lady Iku encounters Irako in the bath house who tells her that he believes her husband Kogan was responsible for her fiancé's death and that she is not cursed. Later he is warned by Ushimata not to visit her again. Kogan selects Irako as his heir, and orders Mie to yield to him in the presence of the other disciples, however Irako pleads that it take place after the wedding. On a cold winter night, Fujiki is approached by Funaki swordsman seeking revenge, but even though his fingers are numb with cold, Fujiki defeats him using the Nagare Boshi (Shooting Star) strike.