Kuniko Hojo is released from the girls' detention center. She is picked up by her friends Momoko, Mīko, and Takehiko, and returns to her home in Duomo. Kuniko is being groomed to be the future leader of Metal Age, a resistance organisation, which opposes the government's drastic policies on environmentalism. A high authority figure, Lady Ryoko, is informed of Kuniko's movements. Mikuni, a girl born from aristocracy, uses the highways of Atlas as her playground. Karin Ishida, a young computer genius, legally blackmails a politician from a third-world country into signing a banking contract with her company in Atlas, for over-exceeding carbon emissions. Takehiko recklessly burns fuel to celebrate Kuniko's return, in defiance on the government. The Atlas Security Corps and the military suddenly attack Duomo. Kuniko and the Metal Age members defend their town. They realize that Atlas is holding them responsible for an unknown terrorist incident. When Kuniko launches her boomerang at Major Kunihito Kusanagi, he blocks it with his dagger, which causes it, Mikuni's, and Kuniko's sacred daggers to resonate. A moment later, mysterious black dots appear above Duomo and began raining down on everyone, causing mass destruction.