Jeanne survives Hao's fire and gets back inside her iron maiden to recover. Lyserg is frustrated, but his fellow X-Laws members point the still-standing cage as a proof of her good condition. Then, they engage in a massive battle against Hao's followers, with Porf, Denbat and Larch eventually losing their lives. Meanwhile, Silva can't stand the Patch's negligence and decides to go intervene in the situation with Kalim, but Mikihisa stops them stating the Gate of Babylon is an actual chance of eliminating Hao. Yoh and his friends also get tired of watching and manage to destroy their cage, causing the X-Laws to believe Jeanne has died. While his friends hold Hao's group and protect the X-Laws, Yoh is briefly tested by Hao. Eventually, Jeanne emerges from her iron maiden and get the Gate of Babylon started. Marco deduces she let go of the cage in order to concentrate her powers on the gate. Once it is opened, everyone is sucked by it, but Spirit of Fire captures Shamash before it closes the door. Inside it, Hao and Yoh are able to rescue their respective partners and the gate breaks down, scattering everyone around Patch Village. Hao is seen contemplating his Spirit of Fire feasting on Shamash while his followers rest nearby. Yoh remembers Hao telling him inside the gate that there was no need to continue the Shaman Fight.