The scene from the previous episode in which Silva is paralyzed by three shadowy figures is shown again and they say "the hunt for shamans is on" while mentioning Amidamaru. Mikihisa writes a spell to free Silva and says they are specialized in exorcising evil spirits. The group is later seen holding Lilly Five captive while extracting images of Yoh and Amidamaru and showing a particular interest in Manta. Afterwards, they exorcise the ladies' guardian spirits and leave, while some writings show up in the girls' mediums. Later, Yoh's team learns from Silva that several shamans have left Patch Village, causing many matches to be cancelled. Ryu screams and alerts them, who arrive in time to see Tokageroh being exorcised and Ryu's sword being covered in writings just like it happened with Lilly Five. Meanwhile, the group is seen holding Mosuke captive and later force him to possess Manta and make him flee. Amidamaru senses Mosuke's presence and looks for him, but ends up overhearing a conversation about him being supposedly evil. Yoh and the others find Manta forging a weapon by a campfire and are confronted by the group's leader, who introduces herself as Fudou. Mikihisa emerges and explains they worked together in the past. Fudou tries to capture Amidamaru, who offers no resistance. Amidamaru explains he was out of control just after death and had his spirit pacified and his grave crafted by a figure using Fudou's powers, which is why he is not willing to fight her back and even agrees with her that he possessed Yoh and forced him to fight. Yoh replies that they are actually friends and that Yoh lends his body to Amidamaru in exchange for his power. Fudou then orders the Mosuke-possessed Manta to attack them. As he walks, he mentally talks to Mosuke and they decide to somehow oversoul in order to have Mosuke break his chains, even at the risk of hurting Manta. Manta uses his laptop as a medium and they successfully form a hammer-like oversoul, hitting Fudou's group with it. Yoh pretends to be possessed and mad just to scare Fudou and unmakes his oversoul. Mikihisa explains Fudou was possessed by evil spirits before, which is why she grew scared and angry at spirits in general, and she leaves. Mosuke disappears and everybody thinks he returned to paradise, but he is actually trapped in Manta's laptop.