A little boy called Pino flees from a group of people who want to offer him to Badb and takes shelter inside an ice cave, where he meets the goddess in its crow form and is asked if he wants her to be his. Back to the United States, the trio of shamans Yoh's group encountered before the Niles introduce themselves as the Icemen, hailing from the cold regions of Ireland and lead by Pino, whom the other two are helping to become Shaman King. They are annoyed with Yoh's group talking about their recently increased powers and challenge them for a fight. Ryu, Faust and a reluctant Yoh become their opponents. The Icemen launch a combined attack, but Faust blocks it with his new oversoul, Mephisto E. He then explains Anna has brought Eliza's spirit back in its whole form, allowing him to finally reunite with her. His purpose of life fulfilled, he swore loyalty to her and Yoh out of gratitude. Ryu also manages to block a combined attack and explains he will also protect Yoh and help him become Shaman King because he believes Yoh will create a better world. When Yoh finally decides to join the fight, his tranquility of mind eventually overcomes Icemen's power and Pino becomes less obsessed in proving his strength.