The episode starts with a brief speech by an Egyptian shaman about how Ancient Egypt was the place of birth of shamanism. Then, Jeanne tells the blond X-Laws member (now introduced as Marco) she is willing to meet Yoh personally to try and change him. Meanwhile, Yoh and the others reach a town filled with Shaman Fight participants. At a bar, Ren questions why so many shamans are gathered peacefully and a shaman next to them explains the town is being visited by many God-class Shamans and nobody would want to end up fighting one of them. He also says the Shaman King must be perfect in everything. Ren is disturbed and leaves, only to be approached by Hao and offered a place in his group, which he refuses. HoroHoro, Chocolove and Manta catch up with Ren and Hao leaves. The group is then mistaken for Hao's followers and attacked by two shamans accompanying the one who spoke to Ren before. He shows up and clears up the misunderstanding. Everyone notices a commotion nearby and find the Egyptian shamans shown in the beginning of the episode, now identified as the Niles, subduing Zenryou and intending to use them as baits to attract and defeat Hao. When the Niles' leader, Anatel, starts speaking in the name of God, Jeanne, Marco and Lyserg intervene and reprehend him for doing so. Anatel challenges them for a battle and Lyserg easily destroys Nahkt's and Khafre's (Anatel's friends) oversouls and overpowers the trio's leader. After a bitter speech by Lyserg about justice which shocks his former team mates, Anatel breaks free and unleashes his oversoul formed by 10,000 feathers embodied by the souls of the ones who built the Pyramids. Unable to attack all feathers, Lyserg decides to apply lethal force in Anatel, but Yoh tells him not to do so and the attack stops. Lyserg tries to blame Morphine but Marco and Jeanne believe he hesitated. Jeanne then decides to personally finish the battle and finally steps out of her iron maiden. Everyone is shocked to see she is just a little girl embraced by thorny roots. She explains she chose to be trapped in the cage and to be continually pierced by the thorns so that she suffers for the sins of humankind and is given the strength to make the world a better place in return. Using her gigantic guardian spirit, Shamash, she easily subdues the Niles and offers them a chance of repentance. They refuse and are consequently executed. Later, Marco punishes Lyserg and says he deliberately stopped the attack after hearing Yoh.