On their way to the Patch Village, Yoh and the others end up in a canyon. There, they meet Lilly Five, who trick Yoh into telling them how to get to the village and leave without offering them a ride. Meanwhile, Hao and Opacho watch from afar and the former tells the trio of girls seen in episode 21 to attack the group without killing Yoh. He also confirms if they are "aware of Anna". Soon later, Anna and her group stumble upon him and he explains he wants the Chou Senji Ryakketsu to be delivered as fast as possible to Yoh so he can become stronger and aid him in the future. Anna eventually tries to slap him, but she is blocked for the first time. However, she is able to hit him with her other hand. Hao leaves and once again asks her to deliver the teachings as fast as possible. Later, they have Lilly Five give them a ride. Meanwhile, the three girls challenge Yoh and the others for a fight overseen by Hao and easily overcome the boys, defeating them all. As they attempt to finish Yoh off, Anna emerges and saves him with Zenki and Kouki. Following Hao's orders not to confront Anna, the trio leaves. Meanwhile, Lyserg is seen wearing his new X-Laws uniform and standing next to an iron maiden. The blond X-Laws member says their master will bless him.