Ryu and HoroHoro manage to attack Boris and send him to the cinema above the catacombs. Yoh and Ren join them to defeat the vampire while Milly and Elly head back outside where the X-Laws reveal their plan to exterminate everyone inside the cinema so that Boris is erased. However, the Lilly Five group (as Yoh now calls the five ladies) join forces to stop them following Milly's concern with Lyserg's possible death. Back inside, Ren deduces Boris is just a human with shamanic capabilities, explaining he just uses his guardian spirit to control other people and fool others into believing they are vampires, which explains why he can only control one victim at a time. Lyserg captures Yoh and Boris' guardian spirit, Blamuro, manifests himself. Boris corners Yoh's friends in a way that they must either stand still and die or escape and have Yoh bitten by Lyserg as a response. A third option would be to simply kill Lyserg and save Yoh. However, Yoh allows himself to be bitten and reveals he was embodied by Amidamaru, who subdued Blamuro when he attempted to take control of Yoh. Ren goes further on his deductions and realize Boris uses blood as a medium for spirits of bats, and his blood-soaked mant is the secret behind his ability to vanish. Ren finishes him off, but Blamuro stays to defend his master, to everyone's surprise. Blamuro explains he chased and killed Boris' parents out of obsession with defeating Vlad Dracula's descendants and being regarded as a hero. After realizing they were just ordinary humans, he spent his next years searching for Boris. He eventually found him as an adult standing by Hao and was killed to become his guardian spirit, which he happilly accepted. Boris says he always though he controlled Blamuro against his will and leaves for the church, where he is attacked by the X-Laws. Yoh defends him, saying he has his own reasons and justice is not about killing. He eventually says they are just like Hao, which infuriates them and ignites a lethal-force reaction. However, Boris sacrifices himself for Yoh and the X-Laws leave with their new recruit, Lyserg. By the church entrance, they find the Lilly Five passed out following the fight with the X-Laws, and Ryu tries to show him how cruel they can be even to a little girl like Milly. Lyserg replies that they received such treatment for being weak and ultimately leaves with his new group. Yoh and the others set Blamuro free to rejoin Boris in hell and leave. In Japan, Anna and Manta are seen taking off to the United States with one of the Oyamada family's planes.