A little boy named Boris and his parents are seen fleeing from a horde of men with torches and swords. They are eventually surrounded at the edge of a cliff, where both parents are accused of vampirism and executed, but not before the mother is able to push Boris down to the river below, saving him. Somewhere else, the man seen in the end of the previous episode is seen again next to the spirit of the leader of Boris' parents killers. Later, Yoh and the others find a church where they plan to spend the night and Ryu watches a vampire movie. He ends up attacked by the man, who is revealed to be an actual vampire. Meanwhile, the X-Laws, aware of the presence of a follower of Hao in the area, isolate the town. Concerned with Lyserg, Milly enters the city, followed by Elly, but the rest is prevented from following them. Ren deduces Ryu was attacked by a shaman sent by Hao, but Tokageroh rejects the idea, stating that the attacker vanished in the air, which is not a human ability. Suddenly, Ryu awakes as a vampire and tries to attack Milly and Elly, but HoroHoro stops him with ice. Later, Lyserg mentions the story of Bram Stoker's Dracula, which Ren rejects as pure fiction. However, the church's priest tells the story of Vlad Dracula, the man who inspired the novel's title character. Later, the boys take turns in watching over Ryu. Lyserg approaches the X-Laws and asks them how to save Ryu, but the blond man replies that, in order to defeat Hao, he must stop regretting his beloved ones' death and even his own. Meanwhile, the ice keeping Ryu melts much before expected following a sabotage by a spirit working for the priest, who is revealed to be a shaman serving the vampire. Ryu breaks free and attacks HoroHoro, curing himself but turning his friend into a vampire. Following his conversation with the X-Laws, Lyserg emerges and attempts to kill HoroHoro, but Yoh stops him. Lyserg them asks Yoh to promise him he will kill him if he ever becomes a vampire. The priest lures Milly and Elly to a catacomb where he attempts to kill them, but he ends up killed by the vampire, who discards him as only human. Yoh and the others reach the place and the vampire introduces himself as Boris Tepes Dracula. He is capable of vanishing and materializing with incredible speed and eventually bites Lyserg. Meanwhile, the X-Laws march towards the church. In Japan, the elder woman seen with Yohmei in the end of episode 30 emerges and is revealed to be Kino, Yohmei's wife and Yoh's grandmother. They ask Anna to deliver the Chou Senji Ryakketsu to Yoh in the United States and she leaves with Manta and Tamao.