While walking across a frozen canyon filled with shamans amidst a blizzard, Yoh and the others find the five ladies from episode 26 frozen and take shelter in a cave with them. Eventually, Lyserg's pendulum senses Hao's presence and they find him by the cave entrance inside some kind of invisible shield that prevents the blizzard from touching him and his followers, which impresses them all. Hao once again tells Yoh to get stronger and leaves. Sharona, Elly and Sally join Hao's group, while Milly and Lilly stay. Lyserg is feeling down after witnessing Hao's nature-controlling power, but HoroHoro says no one can simply control the environment. Trying to cheer Lyserg up, Ryu tells him how he became a Shaman: after much insistence from Mikihisa, Yohmei agreed to train Ryu as long as he ascended to the top of Mount Sentsuuzan and came back alive, but he warned him of Yamata no Orochi, saying the spirit takes the form of the river and creates devastating floods. On his journey, overseen by Mikihisa, Ryu eventually came across an army of spirits sided with Orochi. Unable to feel connected to Ryu, Tokageroh left him to fight them alone. Later, a flood came towards Ryu. Tokageroh reunited with him and Ryu managed to hold the wave with his Oversoul. Back to the present, the group leaves the cave as the blizzard ceases. With her Oversoul, Lilly sees Hao tossing her three friends on the frozen river and using his spirit to create a gigantic wave to erase all shamans left behind. Using his special attack, Ryu manages to hold the wave and the group join forces to put an end to it and save the shamans caught by it, including the ladies. Meanwhile, Yohmei glances at a book called "Chou Senji Ryakketsu" and says it is "wishing Hao". He sends a Shinigami to Anna to deliver a message.