A green-haired boy is seen attacking three shamans with his dowsing pendulum. After the third attack, he says to himself he needs to find strong allies "in order to defeat Hao". Later, the five ladies, who have observed him before, ask him to join them, but he easily defeats them and says he has no interest in shamans weaker than himself. Before leaving, Milly tells him about Yoh's group, who are still looking for information leading to the Patch Village. The boy eventually finds Ryu and introduces himself as Lyserg Diethel, a shaman from the United Kingdom looking for strong allies before he proceeds to the next stage of the Shaman Fight with his guardian spirit, the small fairy Morphine. Initially mistaking him for a girl, Ryu takes Lyserg to the others, but Ren and HoroHoro are against admitting a complete stranger in the team. Lyserg forces them into a fight to test them and has memories of Hao standing inside his burning house by his parents' bodies eight years before. Stating he needs strong allies to defeat "him", Lyserg easily takes Ren and HoroHoro out, destroying their weapons in the process. Yoh ignores him and helps them walk to the hospital, but Lyserg insists on carrying on with the fight. Yoh easily destroys his glass pendulum, but he replaces it with a stronger one made of crystal and heads for his special attack. Yoh asks him who is he really fighting and Lyserg notices Yoh's look is identical to Hao's. Lyserg is defeated and frustrated, but Yoh nevertheless invites him to accompany them to the hospital so he can explain the reason behind his seek for allies.