The quartet's airplane crashes in the desert, but they safely land using their oversouls. They deduce the jet's engine was attacked by a shaman. Meanwhile, a group of five female shamans, including Elly and Milly, are revealed to be the ones behind the attack. Amidamaru spots a city far in the distance and tells them it will take one day of walk to reach it. Eventually, the group meets SUV driver Billy, who gives them a ride to the town. There, they ask for directions to the Patch Village, but nobody knows a thing. One of the five ladies lure them to an ambush where they introduce themselves (besides Elly and Milly, the group is also formed by Sally, Lilly and Sharona) and admit to be the ones behind the jet's sabotage, explaining the rules say nothing about eliminating adversaries prior to the official matches. However, Silva emerges and says if a fight is overseen by one of the Ten Priests, the losers may be disqualified. Yoh's group easily avoid the ladies' attacks and respond with a combined attack that intentionally misses them so they are scared, but unharmed. Realizing their power difference, the ladies flee, preventing a disqualification. Later, Ren appoints Yoh as the group leader and they get a ride from Billy once again.