Faust's skeletons can easily rebuild themselves, which causes Yoh to waste his furyoku with endless waves of enemies while the doctor continues to harass Manta. When the match officially begins, Yoh's already too tired. Faust eventually explains he wants to be Shaman King specifically to resurrect his late wife Eliza – the one whose skeleton he carries under his coat. They first met as kids, when Eliza had an incurable disease. After 20 years of researching, Faust found a cure and they married, opening a small medical center later. However, she was murdered by a criminal one night. Frustrated with his inability to bring her back to life, Faust explored his ancestor's writings and found out about the Shaman Fight. Silva, already overseeing the match, wonders why the calm Yoh is so angry and Anna explains Manta is Yoh's first non-shaman friend, and that he has always been rejected in his town due to his family's tradition as shamans, an activity associated with the devil nowadays. Back to the fight, Faust lets go of his skeletons and concentrates all his furyoku on Eliza's skeleton, eventually materializing her. She proves to be way above Yoh's league, specially because of his low furyoku. Silva explains Faust did not use more than 1% of his furyoku to control all those skeletons, and that kidnapping Manta and using the bones to distract Yoh was all a plan to weaken his opponent, who is actually stronger than him. Yoh eventually calls Eliza a doll, which infuriates Faust. The doctor unleashes the full power of Eliza on Yoh and later assembles every bone around to create a gigantic skeleton to crush Yoh. Tao Ren emerges and takes Faust out with just one hit, explaining he doesn't want anybody to kill Yoh because he is his next opponent.