HoroHoro's sister, Usui Pirika, pays him a visit at Yoh's house. When she finds out her brother is living with his first Shaman Fight opponent, she takes him off the place to stay with her at a camp nearby. Now alone with Yoh and Manta, Anna intensifies her fiancée's training. Two weeks later, Yoh, HoroHoro and their companions meet by a skyscraper where the battle is going to happen. The fight, overseen by Silva and Kalim (the priest who tested HoroHoro), will only end when one of them becomes unable to oversoul. HoroHoro is surprised by Yoh's ability, but Pirika reminds him of his dream of saving the koro-pok-guru, which gives him strength to prepare his special attack, the All-Swallowing Avalanche. After the final clash, HoroHoro seems to be the winner, but Yoh emerges from under the snow safe and well, while HoroHoro's oversoul ends, which makes him lose the match. Later, Anna and Manta comfort Pirika by explaining HoroHoro still have two battles. Meanwhile, Yoh and HoroHoro amicably have a bath together and promise to have a rematch.