Threatening Manta, Tokageroh forces Yoh into a fight in which he eventually unveils Amidamaru's own Harusame, much to everyone's surprise. Anna soon realizes the only way of saving Manta is by incapacitating Ryu' body, which could kill him, or by destroying the sword. Amidamaru has a memory of his poor and troubled childhood as a member of a group of orphans who lived by themselves. After seeing many of his low-quality katanas destroyed in battle by Amidamaru, Mosuke decided to make a fine sword using his late father's blade. Amidamaru cries with such gesture and says it is raining in spite of the spring season, which is the origin of the sword's name (spring rain). Back to the present, Tokageroh tries to kill Manta, but Ryu's friends rescue the boy, hold Ryu still and try to make him come back to his senses, to no avail. Having lost his hostage, Tokageroh now uses Ryu himself as a hostage. Inspired by Ryu's gang, Amidamaru and Yoh realize Harusame is not as important as Ryu and destroy it. Tokageroh still attempts a final move, but Ryu's unprepared body succumbs to the exhaustion of being embodied. Sensing all Tokageroh ever wanted was some friends, Yoh lends him his own body for him to do what he pleases. Everyone is shocked to see that Tokageroh will attempt to kil Yoh, but he gives up and cries when he realizes someone is willing to die for him.