I Want to Pick Everything Up: It is revealed that as Iruma was talking with Kirio Balse Robin used archery magic to shoot a warning note to Sullivan. Sullivan then broke out of prison and saw Iruma use Pandoroola to destroy the barrier, forcing Sullivan to save the school from falling debris. The teachers apprehend Kirio, though he does remind Iruma to beware of other demons wanting to an evil society...
Family Time: As the Battler party starts the students vote for their favourite Battlers just as their parents turn up for the party. Iruma prepares the remaining fireworks before meeting 4 of Clara's 5 siblings and her mother, who are all as eccentric as she is. Asmodeus is caught by his embarrassing mother, Amuryllis, a Demon Lord of Seduction, who showers Asmodeus with love and affection. Sullivan and Opera arrive to attend the festival with Iruma, causing general chaos as they do...