With Hamyuts now in possession of Shlamuffen she decides that it is time to confront the treacherous Mokkania. Meanwhile, the reason for Mokkania's sudden attempt to kill Hamyuts becomes clear and it is not what any of the Armed Librarians originally believed. In the past, Winkeny was doing an investigation on Mokkania, finding out that Mokkania became an Armed Librarian because of his mother's death. Winkeny told Mokkania that the woman resembling Renas will be his new "mother" if he can kill Hamyuts. During the battle, Hamyuts relentlessly attacks Mokkania, but he floods the labyrinth with ants, piling them over her. Elsewhere, Renas stumbles upon a book fragment which explains that she is not Mokkania's real mother, but she still accepts him as such. Hamyuts, having survived, witnesses Mokkania killing himself with ants after he honored his death wish of reuniting with his mother.