Hamyuts and Cigal finally face each other in battle, but Cigal wields Shlamuffen, Shiron's sword that is able to counter any attack. Because of this, it does not seem like Hamyuts has much hope of winning. Meanwhile, Colio goes to Iya's house, where another book fragment of Shiron is kept. After seeing how Shiron has suffered in the past, Colio realizes that Iya can somehow reach Shiron with her voice, convincing him that he too must fight. On top of a train, Cigal tries to push Hamyuts off, but that is until she destroys the railroad tracks ahead, catching him off guard for a moment. Colin arrives on the scene, severely injuring Cigal with a blade, allowing Hamyuts to finish him off. Back at the Bantorra Library, Mattalast is back to health, Mirepoc is gradually getting better and Hamyutz is recovering from her injuries. However, it is reported that Volken Macmani has stolen Yluculucu, a weapon used as a container for magic rights.