As the Tessik airship sets course to the Quickening Chamber, Nakiami contacts Akushiba to check up on the crew of the Zanbani. Meanwhile, Ishu and Raigyo are in the process of making their final push into the chamber inside the top of the Diamond Tower. When Southern airships begin to raid the Quickening Chamber, Shiroza annihilates the surrounding area from inside the Diamond Tower, firing multiple laser beams using lost Ruikon souls as its energy source. Akiyuki urges Haru to fly the beat kayak to leave the scene. Raigyo is shot and wounded inside the tower, and a grenade causes the ceiling to collapse. However, he uses his Xam'd arm to keep Ishu from being crushed, but, after Ishu kisses him, the ceiling squashes him as she make it safely across. Nakiami and Yango leave the Tessik airship to stop the battle over the chamber. After Ishu detonates the chamber at the top of the tower, the Hiruken Emperor held inside is awakened.