The bullet strikes Yoshiharu's smartphone, only stunning Nobuna. Yoshiharu's rear guard, however, is decimated. To deny the enemy Yoshiharu's head, Hanzō detonates a bomb on him. As such, when Danjō brings Nobuna out of coma, she is told that Yoshiharu and Jubei are pulverized. To keep her alive, Danjō gives her a motive: Revenge. Scaring away the Asai and Asakura in the battle of Anegawa, Nobuna comes very close to becoming the monster against which Yoshiharu warned, as she has Tennōji burned down to force out the Miyoshi conspirators. Her plan to attack the religious site of Mount Hiei, to hunt down the Miyoshi Three and Asakura, is met with heavy opposition from her generals, as such a sacrilege would anger the populace. However, when Konoe sends her the severed head of a Kikazaru statue and an insulting letter, Nobuna charges onward to kill Konoe on horseback while her generals and allies scramble after her.