Nobusumi discovers Nagamasa is a woman. She had to hide her gender to become a ruler. She suspects that Nobuna knew this. Meanwhile, Yoshiharu is relieved when Nobuna departs to conquer Wakasa, which would scare the troublesome Asakura without forcing Asai to choose between loyalty to Oda or Asakura. He explains that Nobunaga made the mistake of attacking Asakura instead, and Asai betrayed him, bringing about the frightening events of the 1570 siege of Kanegasaki. Hanbē, however, reveals that this might be exactly what's happening as she sensed Nobuna lying to Yoshiharu. As Yoshiaru sets out to confirm that and warn Nobuna, Hisamasa Asai imprisons Nagamasa and takes over the clan, rallying troops against Oda. Sandwiched between two clans, Nobuna realizes that one of her retainers must sacrifice a rear guard to facilitate her retreat through the Kutski valley. Against Nobuna's wishes, Yoshiharu, Hanzō, Goemon's men and 500 soldiers form that rear guard and successfully rout the enemy advance guard. But as Nobuna rides to retreat, she is shot by the sniper.