Nagamasa returns begging Nobuna to marry him. After promising an alliance, Nobuna permits her sister "Oichi" to be Nagamasa's bride; except "Oichi" is Nobusumi dress up as a girl. Nobuna is sure that the disguise will not collapse by nightfall. Nobuna then starts her historic conquest of Kyoto, intending to install Yoshimoto as a figurehead shogun. Yoshiharu, Hanbē, Goemon and Inuchiyo are sent to scout the city ahead of time. The city is in the state of chaos. Most buildings are damaged or razed, and crime and disease are widespread. The palace is in control of the Miyoshi Three: Sakihisa Konoe, Sōkyū Tsuda and Gōsei Shōkakuin. Yoshiharu's entourage chances upon bandits who have kidnapped the Empress, Himiko, and rescues her. They also help protect Portuguese missionary Louis Frois and her bodyguard Bontenmaru from more bandits. During a tour of the city, Yoshiharu and Inuchiyo are stunned by a magic spell of Hisahide "Danjō" Matsunaga, who demands Himiko return to the palace. Himiko promises to comply in exchange for the lives of Yoshiharu and Inuchiyo being spared. Nobuna's army finally arrives, bringing order to Kyoto.