Dragon of Heaven Yuzuriha Nekoi comes to Tokyo to confront her destiny and with hopes that people will see her inugami Inuki which is invisible to most people. Meanwhile, Arashi takes Kamui and Sorata to Hinoto, who wishes to talk to Kamui. Hinoto shows Kamui her dream involving him fighting as the leader from the Dragons of Heaven to protect Earth from the Dragons of Earth who oppose them. Hinoto's sister, Kanoe, appears in the dream, revealing that Hinoto was hiding another possible future in which Kamui would lead the Dragons of Earth. As the dream ends, Kamui mistrusts Hinoto for how the sacred sword was not given to him and caused Kyōgo to be attacked by Nataku. Yuzuriha arrives and introduces herself to the group, happy they can see Inuki. They are then attacked by an illusion created by an assassin from the Sakurazuka assassin, but upon its destruction, Kamui leaves them.