In a flashback, Sumika is seen writing a letter to be opened by Kureha on her birthday, reflecting on their relationship together and a book that Reia was writing before she died. Having been excluded from the Invisible Storm after not voting for Kureha to be excluded, Sumika was coerced by Kaoru to write a letter to Kureha announcing Kaoru as her new friend to protect her from the Invisible Storm. Back in the present, Lulu helps Ginko escape from Kaoru, who is seen collaborating with a secret partner who had informed her of the bears' identities. The next day, at Kureha's birthday party, Kaoru reveals she had tricked both Kureha and Sumika, setting fire to her flowerbed and throwing Sumika's letter into it. However, Ginko, despite still being injured, risks her life to protect the letter from the fire. Upon reading the letter that Ginko rescued out of love, Kureha finds new meaning in Sumika's words which tell her that the people in front of her are her new friends. At the very end, a flashback shows that Ginko was present when Mitsuko attacked Sumika, and didn't help her.